Exercise Data Express - Asset Inspection (Part2)
Overall Goal To capture an Assets Location via GPS, and read its QR Code.
Demonstrates How the specific parameters can be used to capture both GPS location and read a QR value and pass these into a Workspace..

Create the Workspace:

Follow the video below to create the Workspace with the published parameters we will collect in the App.

The output GeoPackage can be written to C:\FMEData2020\Output\ for testing locally in FME Desktop.

We can add two new parameters to our Workspace. A Text parameter for the QR code value and then a second text parameter for the GPS location.

The GPS Attribute name needs to be called FMEEXPRESS_LOCATION_GPS and for testing we can use the default location of {"latitude":53.399415,"longitude":-6.348068}

Follow the video below for a step by step guide.

Publish the Workspace

Publish the Workspace to FME Server.

Before we run the Workspace in Data Express, delete the existing GeoPackage on FME Server.

Run the Workspace in Data Express

Run the Workspace in FME Data Express. You can use the QR code below for testing.

FME includes the GOQRCodeGenerator Custom Transformer on the FME Hub that can be used to create QR codes.

QR Code for Testing Workspace

Run the App and use the QR above, set the location and fill in the other values then submit the result as shown below. Remember to update the GeoPackage location to $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_TEMP)/StreetLightInspection.gpkg

Verify the Output:

You can download the GeoPackage again and view it in the Data Inspector to check that it has picked up the correct location and the value of the QR code.

Fix the Parameters:

Currently we have to specify the output location and the default geometry location is not going to make sense operationally. We can fix these so that the output location is not asked for, and the location is blank initially.

Fixing the output location means we cannot run the Workspace on Desktop, without setting the FME Server Parameters to allow us to develop. If you do not know how to do this ask your instructor to show you.