FME has a number of transformers that can work with JSON data within FME including the following transformers.

FME also has support for GeoJSON, TopoJSON, CityJSON and ESRI JSON. These are profiles of JSON that extend the JSON specification for a specific requirement for example adding geometry support. These work in the same way as JSON but have additional rules around how objects like geometry or topology are encoded. These can be used with the relevant reader or in the transformers above.

JSONFlattener - Overview

Converts a JSON document into a feature adding all of the attributes to the feature.

When flattening an array FME will try and flatten the structure however if the nesting is complex or deep it can leave the resulting feature difficult to work with. It can thus be easier to use a combination of the JSONFragmenter and the JSONFlattener to turn a JSON document into features in a manageable fashion.

JSONFragmenter - Overview

If a JSON document contains an array of elements splits these into individual features.

JSONExtractor - Overview

Extract values from a JSON feature into specified attributes using JSON Query language.

JSONFormatter - Overview

Formats JSON to make it human readable or to linerize it for system to system use.

JSONTemplater - Overview

Allows the population of an existing JSON template with values from a feature.

JSONValidator - Overview

Validates that a JSON document is valid.

JSONUpdater - Overview

Allows an existing JSON document to be updated